In This Episode:

In Silicon Valley, high venue costs often exceed $30,000, creating significant financial burdens for nonprofits. Additionally, frequent event invitations lead to donor fatigue, reducing gala attendance by 20%, and a 35% volunteer shortage critically affects the execution and staffing of these events.

Gala Fundraising Problems Of Silicon Valley

  • High Venue Costs: High venue costs in Silicon Valley, often exceeding $30,000 due to demand, pose financial challenges for smaller nonprofits hosting galas.
  • Donor Fatigue: Silicon Valley donors frequently experience donor fatigue due to many charity event invitations, leading to a 20% decrease in repeat attendance and reduced donation rates at galas.
  • Volunteer Shortage: Silicon Valley faces a volunteer shortage, with a 35% gap in the needed volunteer base for events. This affects the execution and staffing of large-scale fundraising galas.

"Every raffle ticket has to have a number on it, and you have to keep track of the numbers that were sold and not sold."

About Anne Davis East:

Anne Davis East, with over 30 years in nonprofit management, is the CEO of Davis East Consulting. She specializes in nonprofit compliance, board development, ethics training, and strategic planning. She’s active on several boards, focusing on community development and assisting underserved youth. Her affiliations include notable organizations like the National Association of Business Women and the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Anne earned a BS from William Woods University and an MS in Elementary Education from Lesley University.

"If they're doing auctions, either live or silent, you need to make sure that you hand the winner a 1099 because they've won something. So that's income to them."

Show Notes:

  • Auction Considerations: Anne Davis East highlights the need to issue a 1099 form to auction winners at fundraising galas, as these winnings are considered income for tax purposes. 
  • Raffle Regulations: Anne discusses the importance of obtaining a permit for raffle events from the attorney general and suggests securing a year-long permit for monthly raffles to ensure compliance and cost-effectiveness. 
  • Online Raffle Ticket Sales: In some states, including California, selling raffle tickets online is prohibited. Anne stresses the need for transparency and careful management of raffle tickets to avoid legal issues. 
  • Fair Market Value of Raffle Items: Organizations must determine the fair market value of raffle items, except for gift certificates, which are valued at the amount stated on them. 
  • The Risks of 50-50 Raffles: Anne explains that 50-50 raffles are only legally permissible for professional sports teams in California, and engaging in such raffles can lead to significant legal consequences. 
  • Alcohol Management at Galas: Handling alcohol at events requires careful consideration, including ensuring that volunteers serving alcohol are properly trained and certified. Anne discusses the implications of alcohol service and the importance of managing consumption responsibly. 
  • Training for Alcohol Servers: Volunteers serving alcohol must be certified, and Anne mentions that training can be done online for a fee, and certification lasts several years. 
  • Event Revenue Streams: Anne advises on collaborating with wineries or breweries for events, using a ticket system to track sales, and effectively managing financial transactions.

"In California, you cannot sell raffle tickets online. Actually, I think there's a couple of other states that don't allow you to do that either."

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In this episode, we explore the daunting challenges seniors encounter in Silicon Valley. From soaring costs that outpace the national average to a perplexing healthcare landscape and a severe lack of appropriate housing, the hurdles are substantial. Dedra Jize, a geriatric care expert, joins us to offer her insights on how seniors can navigate these barriers and improve their quality of life in one of America’s most economically challenging regions.

Navigating Senior Care Options in Silicon Valley

  • High Costs: The average cost of assisted living in Silicon Valley exceeds $5,500 per month, significantly higher than the national average of approximately $4,300. This makes affordability a critical issue for many families.
  • Complex Healthcare Navigation: Over 60% of seniors in Silicon Valley rely on programs like Medicare and Medi-Cal, yet navigating these programs can be overwhelming due to their complex requirements and frequent policy changes.
  • Limited Availability of Suitable Housing: There is a critical shortage of senior-friendly housing in Silicon Valley, with only about 25% of available housing units deemed suitable for seniors wishing to age in place.

"A comprehensive estate not only deals with what happens after you die, but also what happens if you lack capacity while still alive."

About Dedra Jize:

Dedra Jize is a seasoned Certified Senior Advisor and Geriatric Care Manager, renowned for her expertise in assisting seniors and their families. Skilled in navigating Medicare and Medi-Cal, she specializes in creating personalized care plans, advocating for the elderly, and enhancing their overall quality of life. Her approach is both compassionate and comprehensive, making her a trusted figure in the realm of senior healthcare and support.

"We kind of explain them as being a daughter that's not able to be there, helping to coordinate care and advocate for the seniors and their families."

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to Dedra – Dedra is a geriatric care manager at the law offices of Litherland, Kennedy & Associates, specializing in estate planning and elder law. She shares how attending a seminar led to a career change and deepened her understanding of comprehensive estate planning. 
  • Role of a Geriatric Care Manager – Dedra explains the typical responsibilities of a geriatric care manager, which include coordinating care for aging individuals, advocating for seniors, and planning for various life stages, differing from a traditional case manager. 
  • Unique Role in a Law Firm – Unlike typical geriatric care managers, Dedra’s position within a law firm allows her to blend legal and healthcare management to provide comprehensive services to clients and their families. 
  • Essential Legal Documents for Seniors – Dedra outlines crucial legal documents every senior should have, such as financial and healthcare power of attorney, and emphasizes the often-overlooked HIPAA release to ensure smooth communication in medical scenarios. 
  • Preparation for Medical Emergencies – Tips on preparing for unexpected medical situations include keeping a list of medications and legal documents easily accessible, and understanding the importance of a life file in Santa Clara County for emergency responders. 
  • Aging in Place – Dedra discusses modifications and considerations for seniors who wish to stay in their homes as they age, highlighting safety measures like lighting, railings, and grab bars to prevent falls and accidents. 
  • Downsizing and Decluttering – Strategies for seniors considering downsizing, including how to start the process, the emotional aspects of decluttering, and the importance of passing on heirlooms and stories to younger generations. 
  • Financial Considerations for Housing Changes – Dedra talks about the financial realities many seniors face when planning to move or downsize, especially in high-cost areas like Silicon Valley, and provides real-life scenarios to illustrate these challenges. 
  • Assessing Current and Future Housing Needs – She describes how she evaluates a senior’s housing needs based on various factors such as health, family support, and proximity to essential services, emphasizing the importance of planning ahead. 
  • Advice for Families Considering Senior Care Options – Dedra advises on how to approach the sensitive topic of moving a loved one into senior care, stressing the importance of gradual, ongoing conversations and respecting the senior’s autonomy in decision-making.

"Without a HIPAA release, the doctor cannot release medical information to the family, so you want to have both to have equal conversation going on."

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"Having Dedra on the show today truly opened our eyes to the intricate blend of legal insight and compassionate care involved in senior care management."

In This Episode:

In Silicon Valley, Donor-Advised Funds soared to $78.6 billion, highlighting a trend toward delayed philanthropy. Nonprofits face significant fraud risks, prompting adopting protective measures like Positive Pay. Guidestar exemplifies financial health through revenue diversification, covering 90% of its costs via service fees, suggesting a sustainable model for nonprofits.

NonProfit Management Problems Of Silicon Valley

  • Growth of Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs): Silicon Valley’s DAFs grew from $33.6 billion to $78.6 billion, showcasing a shift towards “parked” philanthropy, in which donors control when their gifts are distributed to nonprofits.
  • Check and ACH Fraud Threats: Nonprofits facing $18 billion in U.S. check fraud losses must use advanced security, like Positive Pay, to reduce risk.
  • Revenue Stream Development: Guidance for nonprofits to diversify income and earn revenue, as GuideStar did by funding 90% of its operations from fees, showcases a solid strategy for financial health.

"Once you lose your tax-exempt status, then your donations are not deductible, and your donors cannot take that off their tax returns."

About Anne Davis East:

Anne Davis East, with over 30 years in nonprofit management, is the CEO of Davis East Consulting. She specializes in nonprofit compliance, board development, ethics training, and strategic planning. She’s active on several boards, focusing on community development and assisting underserved youth. Her affiliations include notable organizations like the National Association of Business Women and the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Anne earned a BS from William Woods University and an MS in Elementary Education from Lesley University.

"The biggest non-compliance issue is failing to register, which can lead to severe legal issues and complaints to the attorney general if audited."

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to Davis East Consulting—Learn about Davis East Consulting’s origins and what motivated Anne to focus on helping nonprofits regain their tax-exempt status. 
  • The Impact of the Patriots Act on Nonprofits – Anne discusses how post-9/11 legislation affected thousands of nonprofits, leading to the loss of their tax-exempt status and how her consultancy responded. 
  • Challenges of Nonprofit Management in Silicon Valley – Explore the unique management challenges that nonprofits face in the Silicon Valley area, including compliance with evolving regulations. 
  • Common Compliance Issues – Anne highlights the most frequent noncompliance issues encountered by nonprofits, particularly the implications of not being properly registered. 
  • Strategic Nonprofit Management – Learn about Anne’s strategic approach to managing nonprofits, from compliance checks to registration renewals and adjusting organizational processes. 
  • Changes in Nonprofit Compliance – Discussion on how state and federal legislative changes affect nonprofit operations, particularly in California. 
  • The Role of Professional Fundraisers – Understanding the critical role and legal considerations of professional fundraisers in nonprofit organizations. 
  • Board Development and Management – Anne stresses the importance of board development and its critical financial role in nonprofit management. 
  • Ethics and Compliance Training – The significance of ongoing ethics and compliance training for nonprofit boards and staff to avoid financial mismanagement. 
  • Technology and Nonprofit Management – Insight into the role of technology in modern nonprofit management, including social media policies and the importance of keeping up-to-date with digital trends.

"Nonprofits need to be aware of all the intricacies of state and federal regulations. They can't just focus on doing good; they also have to comply with the law."

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"Anne's expertise in navigating the complexities of nonprofit compliance is truly remarkable. Her dedication to ensuring organizations stay on the right side of the law is invaluable."

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In This Episode:

Sewer lateral inspections in real estate are vital but can miss 20% of hidden issues, burdening buyers with unexpected expenses. Wide-ranging costs, $100 to $800, cause value uncertainty. Recent surveys show that 35% of buyers are dissatisfied with inspection completeness and precision. Standardizing inspections is crucial to rebuild trust and safeguard investments in real estate.

Sewer Lateral Inspection Challenges during Home Buying in Silicon Valley

  • Unidentified Issues: Current sewer lateral inspections may fail to detect up to 20% of hidden problems, leading to unexpected repair costs for property buyers.
  • Varied Costs: Sewer lateral inspection fees vary greatly, ranging from $100 to $800, creating uncertainty for buyers about the quality of service they receive.
  • Buyer Dissatisfaction: A recent survey shows that 35% of buyers express dissatisfaction with the thoroughness and accuracy of their sewer lateral inspections, impacting trust in real estate transactions.

It's important to have the sewer functioning and make sure it's in good condition to avoid problems.

About Travis Palser:

Travis Palser, the Vice President of Operations at HomeGuard Incorporated, began his journey in 2014 as a second-generation home inspector. He swiftly obtained ASHI Certification and ICC Certification for residential inspections. In 2018, Travis assumed the role of Project Manager and introduced drone technology for inspections. By 2019, he secured a termite inspector license, earning a promotion to General Manager. As the Vice President of Operations, Travis leads with expertise and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Every time you flush a toilet or turn on a faucet, it's heading in the sewer lateral out to the city sewer system.

Show Notes:

  • Why Sewer Lateral Inspections Matter Dive deep into the necessity of sewer lateral inspections when purchasing a property. Learn why it’s crucial for both buyers and sellers. 
  • Understanding Sewer Laterals: A Key to Property Plumbing Explore the role of sewer laterals in property plumbing systems. Learn how they function and why maintaining them is essential. 
  • Common Issues Detected in Sewer Inspections Uncover the most common issues found during sewer inspections, from tree roots to offset joints, and learn how they impact property plumbing. 
  • Tree Roots and Their Impact on Sewer Laterals Delve into how tree roots affect sewer laterals, causing blockages and damages. Discover signs to watch out for and preventive measures to take. 
  • Frequency of Sewer Inspections: How Often Should You Check? Gain insights into how frequently homeowners should conduct sewer inspections and why regular maintenance is crucial for property plumbing health. 
  • Costs Associated with Sewer Inspections Understand the financial aspects of sewer inspections, from average costs to factors affecting pricing. Learn how to budget for this essential maintenance task. 
  • Materials Matter: Impact of Pipe Materials on Inspection Findings Explore how different pipe materials, such as clay, cast iron, and plastic, affect sewer inspection findings. Learn why material knowledge is crucial for property owners. 
  • Methods and Equipment Used in Sewer Inspections Get an overview of the methods and equipment used in sewer inspections, including camera technology and trenchless repair options. 
  • Preventive Measures for Maintaining Underground Sewage Pipes Discover practical tips for homeowners to maintain their underground sewage pipes, including what to avoid flushing and how to prevent blockages. 
  • Local Regulations and Codes Regarding Sewer Laterals Learn about local regulations and codes governing sewer laterals, including homeowner responsibilities and requirements for property transactions. Stay informed to avoid potential issues.

If it's an older house, I really encourage an inspection.

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"Travis really sheds light on the intricacies of sewer systems, making complex issues accessible to all our listeners."

In This Episode:

Pool inspections are essential in real estate but often need to catch up. Data indicates up to 30% of hidden pool problems go unnoticed, risking financial burden for buyers. Wide-ranging inspection costs create uncertainty, with 45% of buyers expressing dissatisfaction. Standardizing pool inspections is crucial to boost trust and protect investments.

Pool Inspection Challenges during Home Buying in Silicon Valley

  • Incomplete Findings: Current pool inspections can miss up to 30% of hidden problems, such as structural issues or equipment malfunctions, putting buyers at financial risk.
  • Varied Costs: The cost of pool inspections varies widely, with averages ranging from $500 to $700, leaving buyers needing clarification on the value they receive.
  • Buyer Discontent: A survey reveals that 45% of buyers express dissatisfaction with the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their pool inspections, impacting trust in real estate transactions.

"Older pools tend to be built using older code... so we really got to look for those issues."

About Travis Palser:

Travis Palser, the Vice President of Operations at HomeGuard Incorporated, began his journey in 2014 as a second-generation home inspector. He swiftly obtained ASHI Certification and ICC Certification for residential inspections. In 2018, Travis assumed the role of Project Manager and introduced drone technology for inspections. By 2019, he secured a termite inspector license, earning a promotion to General Manager. As the Vice President of Operations, Travis leads with expertise and an unwavering commitment to excellence.


"The biggest thing with pool negotiations is going to be the cost of repairs... Is the pool usable? And is it safe to have in your backyard, especially if you have children?"

Show Notes:

  • Understanding Pool Inspections: Introduction to why inspecting the pool is critical due to its high cost and maintenance requirements.
  • Safety Concerns: Highlighting the importance of pool safety, especially for children, and the role of inspections in ensuring secure environments.
  • Inspection Components: Exploring key areas and components that are checked during a pool inspection, including barriers, decking, and pool equipment.
  • The Impact of Pool Age: Discussing how the age and maintenance history of a pool can affect the inspection process and identifying potential safety updates needed in older pools.
  • Essential Safety Features: Details on specific safety features inspectors look for, such as pool covers, fencing, and alarm systems on doors and windows accessing the pool area.
  • Common Pool Problems: Identifying signs that indicate pool issues, such as rapid water level drops, unlevel surfaces, or unusually green surrounding grass indicating potential leaks.
  • Maintenance Tips: Sharing expert advice on maintaining and prolonging the lifespan of a pool, including regular cleaning and ensuring proper water circulation.
  • Role of ASHE Standards: Explanation of how the American Society for Home Inspectors (ASHE) standards guide pool inspections and what inspectors focus on according to these standards.
  • Long-Term Pool Care: Advice on the importance of regular professional inspections and maintenance post-purchase to keep the pool in optimal condition.
  • Closing Thoughts: Summarizing the significance of thorough pool inspections in real estate transactions and the potential impact on property value and buyer satisfaction.

"If we have older pool equipment, we have to run it, right? We want to make sure it works, functions, and we need to observe it running, make sure there's no leaks."

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"Having Travis Palser on the show truly opened our eyes to the silent, yet pervasive threat of termites. His expertise not only demystifies termite behavior but empowers homeowners with the knowledge to protect their greatest asset. Travis's passion for his field is both inspiring and infectious, making termite inspections seem less like a chore and more like a crucial step in home maintenance."

In This Episode:

In real estate, roof inspections are crucial but may miss 25% of hidden issues, burdening buyers with repair costs. Diverse inspection costs create uncertainty, with 40% of buyers concerned about accuracy. Standardizing roof inspections is vital to build trust and protect investments in the real estate industry.

Roof Inspection Challenges during Home Buying in Silicon Valley

  • Missed Defects: Current roof inspections may overlook up to 25% of hidden problems, like leaks or structural damage, exposing buyers to costly repairs.
  • Wide Cost Range: Roof inspection costs vary, with averages ranging from $150 to $600, creating uncertainty for buyers about the value they receive.
  • Buyer Concerns: 40% of buyers express concerns about the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their roof inspections, impacting their trust in real estate transactions.

"The surface of the material and underlayment are critical in roof inspections, reflecting the roof's health and potential for leaks."

About Travis Palser:

Travis Palser, the Vice President of Operations at HomeGuard Incorporated, began his journey in 2014 as a second-generation home inspector. He swiftly obtained ASHI Certification and ICC Certification for residential inspections. In 2018, Travis assumed the role of Project Manager and introduced drone technology for inspections. By 2019, he secured a termite inspector license, earning a promotion to General Manager. As the Vice President of Operations, Travis leads with expertise and an unwavering commitment to excellence.


"The age of a roof impacts inspection results significantly; past its life expectancy, a roof is better replaced than repaired."

Show Notes:

  • Why Roof Inspections Are Essential: Discover the significance of roof inspections in real estate transactions, emphasizing that a well-maintained roof is critical for protecting homes from water damage, the archenemy of residential structures.

  • Key Components Examined During a Roof Inspection: Learn about the essential elements inspected, including the surface material, underlayment, decking, valleys, flashing, and gutters—each playing a crucial role in the roof’s integrity

  • Choosing the Right Roofing Material: Navigate through the pros and cons of various roofing materials, such as composition shingle, tile, TPO, metal, slate, and Tesla solar roofs, and how they cater to different needs and budgets.

  • The Impact of a Roof’s Age on Inspections: Understand why the age of a roof can significantly influence inspection results and why replacement often becomes necessary after a roof surpasses its expected lifespan.

  • Signs of Roof Problems Homeowners Should Watch For: Identify common indicators of roof issues, such as ceiling stains and misplaced water, signaling the need for professional intervention.

  • How Climate Affects Roof Conditions: Explore how different climates, from the intense heat of California to the snowy regions of Tahoe, impact roof conditions and necessitate specific roofing solutions.

  • Tips for Extending Your Roof’s Life: Gain practical advice on maintaining your roof, including cleaning, gutter maintenance, and proper tree trimming, to ensure longevity and durability.

  • Navigating Building Codes and Regulations: Learn the importance of hiring licensed, bonded, and well-reviewed contractors to comply with building codes and ensure high-quality roof installation or repairs.

  • Roof Inspection Frequency and Costs: Discuss the recommended frequency for roof inspections, the typical costs involved, and why these inspections are crucial for assessing a roof’s condition over time.

  • Roof Conditions and Real Estate Negotiations: Delve into how the findings from a roof inspection can significantly influence real estate negotiations, with potential repair or replacement costs affecting the transaction dynamics.

  • Inspection Discoveries and Solutions: Hear about common issues uncovered during roof inspections, such as maintenance neglect and improper installations, and the recommended remedies to address these problems.

"Stains on the ceiling and water in unusual places are telltale signs of roof problems that homeowners can easily spot."

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"Having Travis Palser on the show truly opened our eyes to the silent, yet pervasive threat of termites. His expertise not only demystifies termite behavior but empowers homeowners with the knowledge to protect their greatest asset. Travis's passion for his field is both inspiring and infectious, making termite inspections seem less like a chore and more like a crucial step in home maintenance."

In This Episode:

In Silicon Valley, adults with disabilities face challenges, including lower educational attainment (16.4% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher compared to 34.6% of non-disabled individuals), leading to a stark employment gap (17.9% vs. 61.8%), magnified by the competitive tech market. Additionally, less than 1% of housing units are wheelchair accessible.

Adults with Autism Problems In Silicon Valley

  • Educational Opportunities: Lower educational attainment among adults with disabilities, with only 16.4% holding a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 34.6% for those without disabilities. 
  • Employment Gap: The employment rate for individuals with disabilities is significantly lower (17.9%) than for those without (61.8%), exacerbated by Silicon Valley’s competitive tech market. 
  • Limited Accessible Housing: Less than 1% of Silicon Valley housing units are wheelchair accessible, impacting adults with mobility disabilities.

"At the College of Adaptive Arts, we're creating a safe, accessible learning environment for all adults, with optional homework and no tests."

About DeAnna Pursai:

DeAnna Pursai is a special education teacher and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the College of Adaptive Arts. She has also been named an “Architect of Change” by Maria Shriver and co-awarded the Delta Kappa Gamma State Distinguished Career/Professional Service Award with CAA Co-Founder and Dean of Instruction Dr. Pamela Lindsay. Deanna grew up with her sister Angel, who has Down Syndrome. This experience taught her how important it is for everyone to have the same chances and to be included.

"Our school in the Valley disrupts traditional support for adults with special needs, aiming to take this innovative model globally."

Show Notes:

  • Inspiration Behind College of Adaptive Arts (CAA): DeAnna Pursai shares the story of her sister Angel, who could not access college education due to her disabilities, inspiring the creation of CAA – a lifelong learning community for adults of all abilities.
  • Unique Approach to Education: Unlike traditional educational institutions, CAA does not require its students to read, write, or take tests, making education accessible to adults historically marginalized from higher education.
  • Innovative Startup Culture: Situated in Silicon Valley, CAA is described as a startup disrupting the traditional education model for adults with special needs, with hopes of expanding globally.
  • Angel’s Perspective: Angel expresses pride and admiration for her sister’s initiative, highlighting the personal impact and broader recognition she has gained through CAA.
  • Curriculum and Programs: The podcast delves into the origins and evolution of CAA’s curriculum, which started with arts and has expanded to include a wide range of subjects, catering to the diverse interests of its students.
  • Community and Partnerships: The importance of community support and partnerships is emphasized, highlighting collaborations with local businesses, arts organizations, and educational institutions that have been instrumental in CAA’s growth.
  • Impact on Students and Community: The remarkable growth from 12 to over 229 students across 10 states and internationally underscores CAA’s significant impact on filling an educational gap for adults with disabilities.
  • Scaling and Measuring Success: The challenges of scaling CAA’s impact are discussed, along with the strategies for measuring success, including student enrollment, engagement, and development of workforce skills.
  • Vision for the Future: The future of adaptive education is envisioned as a global initiative, with CAA planning to replicate its model to serve more adults with disabilities around the world.
  • How to Support CAA: The podcast concludes with ways the community can support CAA, including attending events, engaging with social media, and contributing to fundraising efforts to sustain and expand its programs.

"We're meeting a critical need for adults with disabilities, filling a gap by celebrating their creativity and collaboration where they excel."

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"DeAnna is truly a beacon of innovation and compassion, transforming the educational landscape for adults with disabilities."

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In This Episode:

Silicon Valley’s wealth disparity is stark, with a top 10% earning $398,000 versus a bottom 20% at less than $35,000. Despite high median incomes, over 7,000 face homelessness, and educational divides are evident, as seen in reading levels between East Palo Alto and Palo Alto students.

Poverty and Inequality Problems Of Silicon Valley

  • Widening Income Gap: A vast income disparity exists: the top 10% earn an average of $398,000, while the bottom 20% earn under $35,000, highlighting extreme wealth differences in a wealthy area.
  • Housing Insecurity: Despite a $120,000 median income, Silicon Valley’s housing crisis leaves over 7,000 homeless nightly, underscoring severe affordability and displacement issues.
  • Educational Achievement Gap: In East Palo Alto, only 25% of third graders read at grade level, compared to 75% in wealthier Palo Alto, highlighting sharp educational inequalities tied to wealth.

"The Karat School Project embodies the bridge between my past experiences and the future I dream of for others. It's not just about education—it's about igniting the hope I once needed."

About Evelyne Keomian:

Evelyne Keomian’s Karat School Project (KSP) aims to combat poverty by educating those in need. Locally, in the Bay Area, KSP aids individuals facing housing insecurity, including those in RVs and transient situations. Internationally, in Cote d’Ivoire, KSP focuses on rescuing children from labor, early marriage, and trafficking, prioritizing girls’ education and training mothers to enhance their livelihoods. With a global impact, KSP has positively affected over 30,000 lives locally and worldwide.

"In every child that dares to dream beyond the encampment or RV they call home, we see the power of education and community to redefine the skyline of possibility."

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to Evelyne Keomian and the Karat School Project: Dee Dee Kiesow introduces Evelyne Keomian, founder and executive director of the Karat School Project, which aims to use education to break the cycle of poverty in both the Bay Area and West Africa. 
  • Origins of the Karat School Project: Evelyne shares her journey and motivation for starting KSP, emphasizing the importance of education and community support in breaking the cycle of poverty. 
  • KSP’s Role in Silicon Valley: The conversation shifts to how KSP advocates for housing security and educational equity, focusing on the needs of children and families living in transient situations. 
  • Challenges in Operating a Nonprofit in Silicon Valley: Evelyne discusses the unique challenges faced by KSP in Silicon Valley, including community misconceptions and the importance of a personalized approach to philanthropy. 
  • Impact and Outreach: Details on the scope of KSP’s impact, including the number of families served and the organization’s hands-on approach to tracking and supporting the growth of children and families. 
  • Funding and Sustainability: Strategies for ensuring KSP’s financial sustainability, emphasizing the importance of community investment and the startup culture within the nonprofit sector. 
  • Combating Child Labor and Trafficking: Evelyne highlights KSP’s efforts in West Africa to rescue children from labor and trafficking, focusing on education as a sustainable solution. 
  • Cultural Challenges and Building Allyship: The conversation explores the resistance to educating girls and mothers in specific communities and how KSP works to build allyship and inclusion. 
  • Leveraging Tech for Education: Evelyne discusses how KSP utilizes technology to enhance education and training, especially in remote and underprivileged areas. 
  • Community Building and Success Stories: The episode wraps up with inspiring success stories from KSP’s work and a call to action for individuals and organizations in Silicon Valley to support their mission.

"Our classrooms go beyond four walls; they reach the heart of human resilience, turning survival into success stories. Each book we give, each lesson we teach, is a seed for a better tomorrow."

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"Evelyne transforms lives from Ivory Coast to Silicon Valley, crafting futures through education, one child at a time."

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Real Estate IQ Podcast Sponsors

In This Episode:

This episode explores termite and home inspection challenges in Silicon Valley. Termites annually cost the U.S. about $5 billion in damage and repairs. Notably, 86% of home inspections reveal urgent issues, highlighting the need for thorough evaluations. Expert inspections are essential in protecting Silicon Valley real estate investments.

Termite Inspection Challenges during Home Buying in Silicon Valley

  • The Silent Destroyers of Property: Termites cause significant damage to homes, with an estimated $5 billion spent annually on termite control and repairs in the U.S.
  • Home Inspection Findings: 86% of home inspections reveal issues needing attention, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive home evaluations in safeguarding property investments.
  • The Costly Consequences: Homeowners facing termite damage incur an average repair cost of $3,000, underlining the financial implications of termite infestations and the need for expert inspection services.

"Annual termite inspections are the best preventive measure against infestation. It’s about staying one step ahead of the termites."

About Travis Palser:

Travis Palser, the Vice President of Operations at HomeGuard Incorporated, began his journey in 2014 as a second-generation home inspector. He swiftly obtained ASHI Certification and ICC Certification for residential inspections. In 2018, Travis assumed the role of Project Manager and introduced drone technology for inspections. By 2019, he secured a termite inspector license, earning a promotion to General Manager. As the Vice President of Operations, Travis leads with expertise and an unwavering commitment to excellence.


"When you see wings near windows or pellets on the floor, it's time to call a termite inspector. These signs often point to an infestation."

Show Notes:

  • Importance of Termite Inspections: Explores why regular termite inspections are crucial in areas prone to infestation, highlighting that termite damage is not a matter of “if” but “when” for most homes. 
  • Identifying Termite Infestations: Provides insight on spotting termite infestations, including the presence of discarded wings near windows or doors, and the appearance of small, pellet-like droppings. 
  • Types of Termites and Treatment Methods: Discusses the three common types of termites found in California—dry wood, subterranean, and damp wood termites—and their respective eradication methods, including fumigation and soil treatment. 
  • Termite-Prone Areas of a Property: Identifies the areas most susceptible to termite damage, emphasizing that termites often inhabit hidden, inaccessible parts of the home, such as underneath houses or within walls. 
  • Climate’s Impact on Termite Activity: Examines how the geographical location and climate of an area, such as California, affect termite prevalence and species diversity. 
  • Termite Inspection Red Flags for Buyers: Advises home buyers on what to look for in termite inspection reports, including whether the property has been treated for termites. 
  • Fumigation Process Overview: Details the fumigation process, including preparation steps homeowners must take and the importance of vacating the property during treatment. 
  • Detecting Hidden Termite Infestations: Explains methods used by inspectors to uncover concealed termite damage, such as probing and visual inspection. 
  • Preventive Measures Against Termites: Highlights the importance of annual inspections as a preventative measure against termite infestations, despite the lack of a surefire way to prevent termites. 
  • Understanding Termite Inspection Reports: Delves into how to interpret the sections of termite inspection reports, including the implications for real estate negotiations and the significance of disclosures during transactions.

"It's not a matter of if, but when your house will face termites. Regular termite inspections are not just advised; they're necessary."

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"Having Travis Palser on the show truly opened our eyes to the silent, yet pervasive threat of termites. His expertise not only demystifies termite behavior but empowers homeowners with the knowledge to protect their greatest asset. Travis's passion for his field is both inspiring and infectious, making termite inspections seem less like a chore and more like a crucial step in home maintenance."

In This Episode:

Annually, Happy Hollow Foundation awards over $60,000 in conservation grants worldwide, alongside funding science-based education for more than 4,000 students in under-resourced schools. Since 2014, they have also been dedicated to improving the mental and physical health of thousands of older adults through accessible programs.

Happy Hollow Foundation Impacts and Outcomes Around Conservation, Education, and Play

  • Conservation Grants: Awarding over $60,000 in local and global conservation grants every year.
  • Education Funding: Funding science-based education for under-resourced schools serves over 4,000 students annually.
  • Access for Older Adults: Providing access for thousands of older adults to promote mental and physical health since 2014.


"Just one visit to Happy Hollow actually provides positive childhood experiences which combat against traumatic ones."

About Rhonda Nourse:

Rhonda Nourse, a trailblazer for women in television at KSBW-TV, KNTV, and KTVU-Fox 2, transitioned from news to philanthropy, setting fundraising records for causes like Sacred Heart Nativity Schools and Via Services. Now, as the Executive Director of Happy Hollow Foundation, she swaps the newsroom for red pandas and capybaras, continuing her impactful journey. A former Bay Area television news director turned philanthropy leader.


"The word happy is in Happy Hollow. And the mission... really is to foster pride and involvement so that Happy Hollow remains a community asset that is highly valued and accessible to all."

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to Rhonda Nourse and the Happy Hollow Foundation: Rhonda shares her background in philanthropy, inspired by her family’s dedication to giving back to the community. Her journey into fundraising began through volunteering at her children’s school.
  • The Role of Media Experience in Fundraising: Rhonda discusses how her background in television news and newspapers influences her approach to philanthropy, emphasizing the power of storytelling in engaging potential donors.
  • Happy Hollow Foundation’s Impact on Silicon Valley: Exploring the foundation’s mission to maintain Happy Hollow as a cherished community asset, Rhonda highlights the foundation’s focus on accessibility and support for underserved populations. 
  • Innovative Fundraising Strategies Post-COVID-19: Rhonda talks about reintroducing in-person events to engage the community and donors, sharing the success of the “Hooray for Happy Hollow” event that celebrated the foundation’s 65th anniversary. 
  • The Importance of Red Pandas, Capybaras, and Other Animals at Happy Hollow: This is a discussion on the educational and emotional impact of Happy Hollow’s animals, emphasizing conservation and the unique experiences offered to visitors. 
  • Community Engagement through Capital Projects: Rhonda details the Monarch Meadow project, a conservation effort that transformed a third acre into a pollinator-friendly garden, highlighting the collaborative nature of the project. 
  • Measuring the Impact of Philanthropy through Stories: The significance of storytelling in evaluating the foundation’s work, with Rhonda sharing how personal stories from visitors illustrate the profound impact of their experiences. 
  • Leadership and Vision for Happy Hollow Foundation: Rhonda reflects on her role as the executive director, her fundraising successes, and her aspirations for the foundation’s future. 
  • Rhonda’s Personal Connection and Memories of Happy Hollow: Sharing her own memorable moments and the nostalgia associated with Happy Hollow, Rhonda underscores the park’s role in fostering family connections and community joy. 
  • The Foundation’s Board of Directors and Education’s Role: Rhonda praises the supportive board of directors and discusses the critical role of education in the foundation’s mission, aiming to make Happy Hollow accessible and educational for all.

"I think both philanthropy and news are trying to master the art of storytelling."

Connect with Happy Hollow Foundation

If you would like to learn more or contribute to the mission of this organization, please contact:

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"Rhonda's passion and innovation in philanthropy truly set a benchmark for how we can all contribute to Global Conservation."

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Real Estate IQ Podcast Sponsors

In This Episode:

In Silicon Valley, 17% of properties face $200 million in potential flood damages due to dam failures. Another 23% risk $50 million in losses from wildfires, aggravated by outdated risk assessments. Additionally, 11% of homes confront environmental hazards like lead and mold, with health and property costs reaching $30 million. Silicon Valley’s resilience and innovation are crucial in addressing these real estate challenges and safeguarding the region’s future.

Impact of Natural Hazards in Real Estate in Silicon Valley

  • Flood Risk Due to Dam Failure: 17% of Silicon Valley properties are in flood zones due to dam failure, potentially causing $200 million in property damages in a significant flood event.
  • Wildfire Risk with Outdated Information: 23% of properties are in areas with outdated wildfire information, potentially leading to unpreparedness and $50 million in annual losses.
  • Exposure to Environmental Hazards: About 11% of Silicon Valley properties face environmental hazards like lead paint and mold, potentially reducing property values and incurring up to $30 million in health costs.

"Ensuring that natural hazard disclosure reports are done in a timely, correct manner is not just my job but my commitment to the real estate market."

About Ted Stephanos:

Ted Stephanos, the Vice President of Disclosure Services at HomeGuard Incorporated, boasts a remarkable career spanning over 30 years in the Natural Hazard Disclosure industry. Joining HomeGuard in 2007, Ted played a pivotal role in establishing HomeGuard NHD, bringing his wealth of experience and expertise to the forefront. Ted’s educational background in Geology and Geography uniquely positions him with a profound understanding of earth sciences, making him an ideal leader in natural hazards. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Ted Stephanos continues to contribute significantly to the success and innovation of HomeGuard’s Disclosure Services.

"I always was fascinated with maps and geography, growing up. It's amazing how that initial fascination led me to a lifelong career in geography and geology."

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to Ted and His Passion for Geography and Geology: Ted shares his journey from pursuing a communications degree to falling in love with geography and geology, leading to a career that combines both passions. 
  • Ted’s Early Career and Move to Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports: Starting at the US Geological Survey, Ted discusses his initial role and transition into natural hazard disclosure, highlighting his long-standing commitment to the field. 
  • Role at HomeGuard as Vice President of Disclosure Services: Ted outlines his dual responsibilities of ensuring report accuracy and timeliness, as well as educating realtors and the public about natural hazard disclosures. 
  • Importance of Natural Hazard Disclosures: The legal requirements for disclosures during real estate transactions are emphasized, especially in areas like Silicon Valley, where environmental hazards are a significant concern. 
  • Evolution of Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports (NHDs) with Technology: Ted reflects on how advancements in digital mapping and GIS have transformed the accuracy and efficiency of producing NHD reports. 
  • Common Myths about NHDs: Addressing misconceptions, Ted clarifies that not all properties in high-risk areas are within fault or flood zones, underscoring the importance of detailed reports.
  • Challenges in Keeping NHDs Up-to-Date: Ted shares the difficulties in staying informed about updates to maps and regulations from various governmental levels. 
  • Impact of Climate Change on NHD Information: The conversation turns to how climate change, particularly sea level rise and increased wildfire risk, is influencing the need for accurate NHDs. 
  • Legislation and Changes in NHD Practices: Ted discusses the legislative landscape surrounding NHDs, how it has evolved in response to natural disasters, and the implications for homeowners and real estate professionals. 
  • Advice for Potential Home Buyers on NHD Reports: Emphasizing the importance of thoroughly reading NHD reports, Ted advises buyers to pay special attention to FEMA flood zones and Melloroo’s taxes to make informed decisions.

"It's required by law to provide natural hazard disclosures during a real estate transaction, highlighting the critical role these reports play in the buying and selling process."

Connect with Ted Stephanos:

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"Listening to Ted, it's clear his dedication not only advances the field but also safeguards countless homeowners."

1175 Blackberry Ter

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